Wednesday 30 September 2009

The First Issue

Theres always drama in

The production of Swings and Roundabouts latest project is a go. The suburbs is the latest uptake from the production club, after their ''interesting'' trailer for a movie about dancing zombies, screaming girls and poisoned punch.The suburbs will be a five part mini series, about a group of girls living in Greater London/Essex with american accents, showing how they cope with deciding what to wear for upcoming parties, and one to many trips to primark.

The suburbs is an original spoof of the US hit series The Hills, with more drama and more hair tosses. We all just hope it was as ''unique'' as their last idea, keeping us gripping the computer chairs and eyes glued, because there's always drama in the suburbs.

Wales Ahoy

The Media department (Fun Department) are organising a Glaysbury trip for year 13 students. The trip is taking place on the 14th of February to the 17th 2010, so thats a no go to all you couples out there, and will involve a number of activities ranging from Gorge diving to Mountain Biking. The total cost of the trip is £165 and a £20 deposit. The teachers will hand pick who they want to take with them, and if you want to get ahead of the game....Yes they do take bribes.

1 comment:

  1. You can't be quoted as you just are!

    1. Have you got a seperate you tube channel?
    2. How will you get followers?
    3. What regular features might you include on the blog?
    4. will you have an rss feedback and put your podcast on itunes?

    Let me listen to the broacast and get back to you?
